In Gloom – Hand Of God (Single Review)

In Gloom’s “Hand Of God” is a certified slapper. It comes for your neck and keeps you there.
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With a certifiable punch to the face In Gloom’s newest track “Hand Of God” comes at you in full force. Florida Deathcore has been eating well lately. Tons of bands have released new music and In Gloom is another one to add to the must-listen list. I swear there is something in the water out there.

“Hand Of God” comes at you right out of the gate, with a short vocal segment into the full band-backed song. It has a little bit of everything for core fans the world over. Frantic and panic riffs will have you on the edge of your seat. The two steps and heavy breakdowns will pull you out of your seat and dance in your living room. I may have broken a lamp.

The musicianship is top-notch. From chuggy bounce riffs and panic chords, you get in the state of mind of where they are coming from. The breakdowns hit with the power of the “Hand Of God.” This track truly shows that they deserve the attention they are getting and the following they are building. I expect to see them at the top of the Deathcore scene in due time.

“Hand Of God” joins a great lineup of songs under In Gloom’s belt. Check it out!

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Hand Of God

by In Gloom


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